
In the last years, we were repeatedly requested to post press reports for the broadcast "Quivive" of the RBB, as well as recently to post an article as a studio guest at the Deutsche Welle. We would like to thank all patients, who took part at the reports, for their support and we also give thanks to the teams of the authors, who worked out these reports with a high accuracy. Extracts from the broadcast can be watched here.

Telecasts with Mrs Dr. Meike Schröder


Fernseh-Beitrag über Faltenbehandlung und Botox Feature „Junge Haut“ from the television health magazine „fit & gesund“ (DW-TV, Deutsche Welle) with Mrs Dr. Meike Schröder about young skin, wrinkle treatment and botox watch feature

Acne treatment

Fernseh-Beitrag über Akne Feature about Acne and greasy skin in the show "Quivive", RBB.


Fernseh-Beitrag über die Behandlung von Hyperhidrose Feature about hyperhidrosis in the show "Quivive" with Mrs Dr. Meike Schröder über die Behandlung von Hyperhidrose. Currently not available.

Skin cancer screening and -prevention

Fernseh-Beitrag über Hautkrebs-Screening und -Vorsorge Feature about Skin cancer detection in its early stage and skin cancer screening in the show "Quivive". Currently not available.

Treatment of warts

Fernseh-Beitrag über die Behandlung von Warzen Feature about different ways of wart treatments. Currently not available.