Hyaluronic acid treatments
Hyaluronic acid is a natural and important water storage in our skin. It confers elasticity, tension, smoothness and the soft outline to the face. With increasing age, the percentage of hyaluronic acid decreases. The skin loses its juvenile and soft outlook.
At first creases occur, later on deeper wrinkles like the nasolabial folds or the so called marionette creases in the lateral chin area develop. Also the outlines become more edged or appear shrunken or slackened. With hyaluronic acid, this loss of volume in the cheek area, the temples or the lips can be compensated on a very easy way.
Hyaluronic acid is injected as a synthetic produced gel and represents the most used filling material for the treatment of wrinkles at the present time. It is about a absorbable filler, which means it is degradable in the course of time. Since ten years, hyaluronic acid is used as a filler in the practice of Dr. Meike Schröder and besides botox it developed as a popular and safe anti aging method. Regularly Dr. Meike Schröder participates at the masterclasses of international renowned specialists to treat her patients with the best achievable techniques. Also scientifically the certain effectivity of hyaluronic acid is well confirmed. We use only high quality materials from considerable concerns, whose products can feature all the acquired quality tests.
How long does the effect last?
The effect lasts for 6-18 month, depending on the area and can be repeated at any time. According to the depth of the wrinkles, different grades of cross-linked hyaluronic acids are applied. High linked material, which has a longer durability, is used to fill-up deep wrinkles, for the augmentation of the cheek or for the liquid lifting. Unlinked hyaluronic acid is injected with finest needles and restores the elasticity of tired and slackened skin. Unlinked hyaluronic acid is absorbed faster and the treatments are repeated in regular intervals. Also for deeper wrinkles a so called touch up, a re-injection after six month, provides a longer durability of the effect.
How long takes the treatment and is an anesthesia necessary?
Normally the treatment takes 15 to 30 minutes. As the need arises, an anesthetic ointment is applied to the treated areas of the skin. Some Hyaluronic acid gels also contain a local anesthetic, so that the injection is almost free of pain.
How is my appearance right after the treatment?
After the treatment a slight reddening or swelling can be temporary visible and sometimes a small effusion can occur. All these appearances generally regress quite fast and the patients can attend their business without any problems.
Which areas can be treated?
- Enhancement of the outline of the lips increase of the volume of the lips (no dinghy lips!), rise of the labial angle
- Augmentation of the cheek with the effect of the „Liquid lifting“
- Filling of the tear drain
Am I socially acceptable after the treatment?
After the treatment you can immediately attend to your everyday activities or take up employment. You can also have a shower after the treatment. However you should abandon the sauna, steam bath, icy temperatures or UV radiation by the sun or a solarium for two weeks.
Also physical strain, head first movements and sports at the first day after the treatment and further cosmetic therapies for the first two days after the treatment should be avoided.
Which preventive measures can help to avoid swellings and effusions?
You can dissolve five pellets of Arnika D12 under your tongue before and after the treatment. Abstain from blood thinning drugs, one week before and after the treatment.